Pedestrian / Bicycle Accidents

Detroit Bicycle Accident Lawyers

Michigan Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

Michigan law is very clear with regard to the rights of bicycle riders and pedestrians. Every driver on the road carries the responsibility of knowing those rights and respecting them at all times. Even the slightest lapse in observing that responsibility can result in severe injuries or death. If you or someone you care for has been injured by a careless driver, seek the advice of a qualified Michigan personal injury attorney immediately.

At the law firm of Hopkins & Forhan, we represent clients throughout the state who have suffered serious injuries at the hands of negligent drivers. These cases can be quite complex because there is often some dispute over whose insurance should pay under Michigan’s no-fault laws. We are committed to helping you obtain maximum compensation for your injuries and seeking damages from all available sources.

Strong Representation for Injury Victims

Our Detroit bicycle accident attorneys and Michigan pedestrian accident lawyers have extensive experience helping victims obtain fair compensation for their injuries. When you hire our firm, we will fully investigate your case to determine exactly how the accident happened and who was responsible. We will work hard to negotiate a fair settlement, but are fully prepared to go to trial in order to protect your interests.

Attorneys Stephen Hopkins and Craig Forhan each have more than 35 years of experience practicing law in Michigan. We have represented clients in a variety of pedestrian and bike injury cases, including crosswalk accidents, bicycle lane infractions, hit-and-run accidents, scooter and moped accidents and wrongful death cases. We fight aggressively to help you recover your medical expenses, lost wages and any other benefits available under the law.