Anesthesia Errors

Detroit Anesthesia Errors Lawyers

Michigan Anesthesiologist Mistake Lawyers

Administering anesthesia is a critical part of every surgical procedure that many people might think of as a very simple process. In fact, anesthesia is a very exact science that requires a high level of skill. The drugs used in anesthesia are extremely powerful. Attention to dosage, allergies and potential cross-reactions is critical to patient safety and well-being.

Anesthesiologists are held to an extremely high standard. Even the smallest error in the performance of their job can result in serious harm or death to the patient. If you or someone you love has been injured because of the inappropriate actions of an anesthesiologist, seek the advice of an experienced hospital malpractice lawyer immediately.

Seeking Full Compensation for Your Injuries

At the law firm of Hopkins & Forhan, our attorneys represent clients throughout the state of Michigan. We work tirelessly to protect the interests of people who have suffered serious injuries at the hands of negligent medical personnel. We have handled a wide variety of cases involving improper injections, use of the wrong drug or wrong dose, brain damage or infections suffered as a result of anesthesia and many others.

Our attorneys have substantial experience in these cases. We understand the types of injuries that can happen, and we know what types of treatment are usually needed for victims to recover from their injuries. When you hire our firm, we will investigate your case thoroughly to determine how the error occurred and who was responsible. We aggressively seek maximum compensation and seek to hold all responsible parties accountable.