Medical Malpractice

Detroit Medical Malpractice Lawyers

Michigan Medical Malpractice Lawyers

The medical malpractice lawyers at Hopkins & Forhan have handled many medical injury claims on behalf of clients throughout the Detroit metro area and the entire state of Michigan. If you or your loved one has been injured as a result of the negligence of a physician or hospital, we offer a free consultation to evaluate your case.

What is Medical Malpractice?

Medical malpractice occurs when a negligent act or omission by a doctor, other medical professional or hospital results in injury, harm or wrongful death to the patient. Such negligence can include:

  • Misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose a disease such as heart disease or cancer
  • Surgical mistakes, such as wrong site surgery or leaving surgical equipment inside the patient
  • Birth injuries, such as brain damage and hypoxia
  • Lack of patient supervision, resulting in injuries
  • Nursing home neglect

What is involved in filing a Medical Malpractice Claim?

The State of Michigan requires you to follow certain procedures before you may bring a medical malpractice claim, including providing the doctor or hospital involved with a written notice of your pending claim. Once you are allowed to bring a medical malpractice lawsuit, you (the plaintiff) must prove that the doctor or hospital deviated from the standard of care followed by other medical professionals in the community and that deviation caused your injury. Our medical malpractice lawyers will explain every step of your claim and prepare a strategy to help you obtain compensation.

Proving your case requires the use of experts to testify on the appropriate standard of care. Because of the medical and legal procedures involved in bringing a medical malpractice claim, it is imperative that you have a qualified and experienced attorney who can evaluate your case and gather the needed evidence to bring an effective claim.

At Hopkins & Forhan, most of our medical malpractices cases are referred to our law firm by other attorneys who have confidence in our ability to handle complex injury cases. Our medical malpractice lawyers — Steve Hopkins and Craig Forhan — have over 70 years of combined personal injury law experience.